Tuesday, August 20, 2013

3 Months!


Now i really feel like writing as this has been a rough couple of days.
Ever since aku anta my 3 month notice..
Yes...Kepada sesiapa yang kerja kena bagi 3 month notice maybe paham kot.

Let's go back over 2 years ago.
I saw this 3 month notice period and i thought to myself, this was a red flag.
But I accepted the job regardless because i really, really wanted to jumpstart my career as a .Net programmer.

Now go back now again, I truly regretted that.
For that particular reason.The 3 month notice.

It was the reason that has been holding me back to look for another job for a year now.
And not unless you are kebaboom type of job candidate, your resume will be looked over just because of that reason.
3 months is a very long time.

It's like a 3 month jail sentence.
In 3 months, you wont' be treated the same way every again by your manager.
In 3 months you can't apply for break like you used to.
In 3 months, you won't get attached to any new project.
In 3 months you feel like you eat gaji buta.
Basically in 3 months the only reason you being retained there is to fill an empty
space until the new guy comes along.
And if I am lucky, i get to trained the new guy and passed on the legacy.
If not, what the reason I'm being there?

I know this is the same issue if you are in notice period.
But one cannot compare of being in a 3 month period.
Even worse, I have to reject a job offer because i couldnt get a deal out of this 3 month notice.

But did i regret posting my 3 month notice?
Not a second of regret.
Not sombong tone one but I feel it is time for me to move on to another things.
That job was one of the best thing that happened in my life.
But the 3 month notice period is the only thing that to sum to a better word - a huge downer.

And did I add with no potential job waiting..
USed to have but had to let go because of this particular thing.
So allow my rant in this post.
Although this 3 months notice has been keeping me to look for another job, It can also be
the blessing that gonna push me to become a better job candidate.
On the next blog posting I will explain how.
Sigh! Thant's Okay. Just live my remaining days here as usual.

Counting the days, 2 months and 17 days to go. Maybe counting the days to my unemployment :(

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Azam Ramadhan 2013

Assalamualaikum and selamat hari puasa ke- 2

Apa nak cite ek..
Pekate sembang pasal puasa tahun ni.

Aku rasa macam nak buh few azam tuk puasa tahun nih. Check em out!

Azam #1 : Puasa 30 hari. Haruslah kan! laki no excuse. Haha

Azam #2: Kurangkan mengular and meneloq ( goyang teloq yek!) kat ofis mahupon umah.

Azam #3: X membazir beli makanan. 30 hari x g Bazaar Ramadan. I think i almost did it last year.

Azam #4: Kawal nafsu makan, seks (ergkk!) or bende2 leka sewaktu dengannya.

Azam #5: Tarawikh penuh 30 malam sampailer ke malam takbir tu.

Azam #6: Nak perbanyakkan tasbih, selawat dan sebagainya. Yang tu mesti semestinya. And hafal doa and surah2 lazim yg lama dok tertangguh tu.

Azam #7: Khatam Quran yg x pernah khatam tu..Huhu.

Azam #8: Nak kurangkan berat badan. Masuk balik daerah 6+ kilo instead of 7+. And nak naikkan balik bisep, chest and abs yg dah mcm karam tenggelam sejak kawen ritu. Huhu

Azam #9: Nak psycho butik siapkan deliver gambor kawen kami sebelom raya. Wajarlah psl kami dah dabel chin pon x siap gik. Penerajangan cap pengantin pencen nak?

Azam #10:  Berbuka at least once kat umah mak, once kat umah abah. And once lovey dovey iftar luar with my lovely sayang. Hajat kalo ikut nak iftar with frens gak tapi saban tahun makin jenuh nak plan :(

Azam #11: Uruskan duit. At most RM10 per day only. Kalo dak that RM10 masuk tabung!

Azam #12: Musim perayaan nih, nak try bake with my wife. One cookie batch or cake. Cam romantik jek. Dah xleh beraktiviti 'batal puasa', eloklah ganti dengan aktiviti bakar kek.Hahah.

Azam #13: Perbersihkan umah mak aku kat keramat. Dah teruk sangat dah. Kesian mak aku kena kongsi umah dengan sarang tikus.Uweek!

Itu ajelah kot. Ingat nak tambah lagi satu. Tak mau menyogo and berjalan secara TAR tapi x sanggup uolls. Bende tu wajib setiap kali bulan puasa at least once. Haha.

Bye2 and selamat menyambut Ramadhan peeps!

Hidupku Lepas Berkahwin ^_^

Assalamualaikum and Selamat Berpuasa Everybody,

Setelah berbulan and bermingguan aku x update blog
Tetibe masuk sini
Tak ke pelik?
Tak pelik pon..Kes masa terluang jek

Sebenarnya banyak bebenor aku nak update kat blog
Tapi kemalasan amatlah menghadkan aku mewarkahkan apa yg terbit di hati ini
Hahah..ayat kenalah x menahan.

Dah kawen ni, banyak bebenor self-discoveries and bende baru yang aku rasa seronok tuk share.
Orang kata kegembiraan wajar di share..
So here i am..
Tapi aku bukan nak share bende2 18SX ye adik2 sekalian..
Yang tu kalo nak tahu lebih lanjut sila jumpa dengan tok kadi di kawasan terdekat anda and sahkan hubungan anda dengan si polan yang disayang..HIKS!

Tapi aku nak share regarding the life i've been living for the last 3,4 months since i got married.

Firstly, may i tell you that i am currently living ngan my in-laws.
We have pretty much the privacy we needed even though we living under the same roof.
Dalam bilik tidor, it's pretty much like our own little 400 sq feet studio apartment.
Got a bathroom to ourselves. TV of our own that comes with ASTRO and DVD set to layan my comedy series.
Cuma tadak dapur jek tp kalo tadak semut dalam bilik, we may even have our own little pantry dalam tu complete with coffee, tea, ayaq panas and paling penting, jajan..HAhA

Tapi dalam privacy tu, i still feel like i'm being watched closely under my in-laws supervision.
Not just mak,pak mertua..Ade duk skalik ngan adik beradik my wife.
Aku terasa perbezaan besar between the life before and after my wedding.Jurang besar!
Kalo sebelom kawen aku leh jd slob..Takdelah pengotor sgt tp takdelah pembersih.
Tapi sekarang kalo jatuh a piece of food on the floor pon rase cam guilty je and toleh kiri kanan hoping no one saw it..Haha
Pastu the fact yg i live with my sister in law sume, wajarlah aku limitkan pendedahan kulit and cutting kain slua aku..HAHA..
short2 dah kurang aku pakai unless dalam bilik ngan wife.
kalo dulu, bapak aku x jemu nasihat suruh aku pakai slua x nampak teloq(eerk!) tapi aku x pernah jemu memakainye(hahah!)
Dalam private2 tu gak kami kena kurangkan berkurung dalam bilik.
Kalo dak kena ngata asek berkurung jek..Hmmm.
Bukanlah niat kami nak berkurung tp asal nak duk living room tv kena conquer dengan drama2 melayu, cerita2 yg aku x hadap tengok.
takkan nak duk depan suruh tv tengok aku lak just semata tuk tunjuk muka..hmm..
Beh baik hadap tv dalam bilik sendiri with the comfort of baring2 atas katil depan tv..Lagi SYIOK!
Kalo dulu if aku teringin makan itu ini aku kasi hasap lah itu dapur asah skill chef aku.
tapi sekarang, jarang bebenor aku masak unless by request and mak mertua tadak umah tuk masak.
Tunjuk ajar wife masak pon x berkesmpatan coz frankly, i'm not the best teacher for her since she already labbelled me as gifted cook rather than self tought.
Can't help that once she feels that way.Plus i cannot tahan my wife's mean streak.Oops! :P
And above it all, the house is quite a far drive to my office.
I'm talking about 1.5-2 hrs drive plus heavy traffic and few ringgit toll.
Even my workmates yg g kenduri aritu kata the house is so damn far and kena lalu 2,3 sekolah pepagi make the ride to work much worse.

Although i am adapting with my new family but somehow i always feel i am an outsider.
Arent we all?
Basically, i feel like a guest in the house i currently live in.
But being with my wife trumps all difficulties i ever feel tu.
She makes me forget about all that as long as she's by my side.
And i truly hope someday aku boleh hidup dalam rumah ni macam rumah aku sendiri.
And treat her parents and sibling macam my own blood.
or better yet, purchase our own place that deserve to be call home :)
More on that will come..

Plus check out our latest picture below. Kekdahnye dedua pipi makin berlapis. Huhu. Org kata makin chubby tandanya berbahagia. Ye kot..Ahaks

Later peeps!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Post Wedding: Gambar Kawen Sikit

Okay..Now is working hour and yet i dont have anything to work on..
Boss tadak. Kerja ade tapi jenis2 routine and not programming.
So pekata saya share some of the pictures taken during our wedding/ honeymoon 3 bulan lepas...
Kira ni a 3 month celebration coming up few days nanti..
Share kegembiraan dengan kekawan kat blog nih..

Monday, November 19, 2012

Kahwin. The Prep so Far...

Hi and Salam to uolls readers..

Nak add few updates la after quite a while x update..

Sekarang wedding preparation agak on the right direction..
The bumps on the road seems like avoidable or better yet, a great save from Allah and His grace.

Pasal aku malas nak g survey butik ke butik, katerer ke katerer, kami lebih banyak put effort visit Wedding Fair segala tuh.
Keep on the loop for that sort of events pasal it gives you a batter picture of how's the current price and trend for the wedding around.

It does have pros and cons though..

free demo of food.
price sometime can be competitive compare to the published price.
most of the participants are well established in their forte.
low deposit compare dengan thru direct kat kedai.Thus allowing you to change your mind without so much wasted.

lack of information given.
Can be a bit crowded.
So many companies to choose from thus it's hard to find the company to agree on.( can lead to a silly argument with ur spouse u know..hahah)
must put deposit to lock ur wedding date, ur offered price.
misleading pictures and no testimonial.

So far from that many, many visits of those fair, nampak ler buahnye. Our baju, katerer, photo,kad, doorgift bag and segala mcm bende yg aku x ingat dipilih kat this sort of events.

Penah le aku rajinkan diri g Plaza Alam Sentral tuk survey baju2 kawen tu kedai ke kedai tp lemah smgt aku. Ngan mahalnye. Ngan bosannya tgok baju2 labuci segala..Aish..

Our pelamin and baju insyaallah akan dibuat by this one company kat Shah alam Sek 23.
Aritu g survey kain dengan our designer kat Jalan TAR.. Kaler pink belacan kot..
Design baju sketched by our designer.  Hasil dari gabungan beberapa majalah pengantin cina..hahah
Design baju pompuan yg dipilih yg agak odd bagi aku tp not for the designer and my tunang.
Harap it will turn out ok coz frankly aku x dapat bayang baju tunang aku tu on paper.
Baju lelaki aku decide pakai design baju melayu modern ngan tanjak and sampin.
X kisahlah berpanas asalakan aku xmau pakai kot or baju melayu Sultan Melaka tu.
Pelamin theme tu x pilih lagi..Tapi kaler hantaran and kaler majlis tu sudah decide.

Cincin pon alhamdulillah sudah dibeli. Beli diamond pastu beli setting lain.
Cambest lak custom made macam tu. Tapi agak mahal kalo dibanding beli cincin siap ler.
Xpelah. Asalkan puas hati. Sape yang puas hati?
Pasal aku dah malas survey2 cincin asek x jumpa2 yg tunang berkenan kat hati.
Dekat 20 kedai kitaorg pergi, x jumpa.
Xde size la, xleh resize lah, cheap looking lah, design makcik la..
Basically mcm2 kerenah..
Plus, diamond tu came with a birth certificate..hahah..Our first baby perhaps :P
So my advise to guys. Please choose the diamond yourself or at least put your foot down on something or some budget.
Coz kalo kita ikut nafsu pompuan tu nak pilih the right cincin, hmmm..

Anyway, I'll give further update and pictures of this prep sometime in later updates.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Tweet, tweet..Ini Burong bukan sebarang burong..Ngeh2~

Mak aih..Lama dah x jenguk sini..Segala bende dah berulat!

Bangkai apa nih? ewww....Hahah....

Sorila peeps lama biar blog aku ni gersang..Ape2, aku start dengan assalamualaikum and bismillah dululah..

Nak cite nih... Aku sejak dua menjak ni aktif pulok kat twitter..

Wait! Twitter?YES
Actually lama dah aku bukak akaun ni. X sangka pulak aku ingat gik username and password.
Tengok friendlist pon kawan 2,3 org which one of them was my ex..
Nampak bebenor lama dah x masuk twitter akaun aku tu.
3 tahun beb aku x datang jenguk my twitter acc!

What actually drove me to twitter? One of it was because i think fb dah makin bosan..
Especially among friendlist aku.
Being an unpopular guy around everywhere, i have so much in my head yet so little courage to express it out.
Hence, sometimes i need to let it out some random comments.
Tapi u cant do that with your family and workmates among your added friends.
What wud they think?
Premature judgement alert!

Especially when times when your MOM being active on facebook!
Boy, did i regret the day i added my mom on my frenlist..
It's so awkward now. There's a lot of TMI moment that u wish you didn't see.
Made me want to make a status ' TOO MUCH INFORMATION!'

So the day i started to tweet, seperti burung bebas di awangan!
Lepas taik burung merata2, Tweet sana, tweet sini..Best2!
If only i have 3g on my cell, memang dalam jamban tgh neran pon aku tweet psl nikmat Tuhan yg we always ignore...Hahah . TRUE HOKEYH!
Sory ladies..Too graphic for ya!Hahah..Especially yg suka eww itu,eww ini (u know who u r :P)

Let us compare..
My last facebook status was weeks ago while my tweets was a minute while ago..
Hahah...YES! I'm lovin' it !

So sape yang nak follow2, have healthy conversation about nothing follow la..Here's my name


Sekarang ni follower aku sikit je..aku x mencarik org..org yg discover aku.

Anyway till next time. Bye2!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Sakura Malaysia....Santeknye CiptaanNya, Bijaknya IlmuNya

 Salam Ramadhan dan Nuzul Quran... Post kali ini aku nak kita menghayati keindahan ciptaan Allah Yang Maha Bijaksana. Gambar diambil pada pertengahan Julai lepas di kawasan office @ Taipan USJ. Pokok ni di serata negara berbunga pada masa yang sama walaupon masing2 berlainan warna, ketinggian, baja dan tanah. Menakjubkan bukan. Ianya bukanlah secantik sakura jepun tetapi ianya tetap ciptaan Allah S.W.T yang menakjubkan.