Monday, May 28, 2012

SAKIT? I say SUCK IT! We own them not they own us!

Assalamualaikum and hello..Lama tak post..

Busy worh. Projek ofis nak kejar deadline. Pastu project freelance pon terkejar deadline.
Tapi aku nak ler mengambil kesempatan for a few minutes ni tuk share what i'm feeling as of now.


Kenape? Well, for the last 3 years or so i've been worried sick about my health.
Especially regarding my joint pains.
G jumpa doktor always end up with dissapointment sampai kalo my gf say jumpa doktor for demam pon aku malas.
I came to realized that i cannot rely on them for my health problems.
I hate them for their laziness. Always send you away with just a pain meds and bills you with absurd numbers or take up so much of my time.
For 3 years, x penah aku diberi formal diagnosis ape sebenarnya masalah yang aku hadapi with my joints.
So a worry guy that i am, aku google and mcm2 penyakit yang scary pop up with my symptoms.
Paling scary, rheumatoid arthritis.
Within 10-20 years i may not be able to walk psl that disease would completely destroys my joints.
Even kena masuk status OKU. That is how scary it is.
Even scarier, that disease doesn't come cheap. Hospital visits, therapy,rehab, pills certainly mahal.

SO i took extra effort. Went to private clinic.
Got like a 45 min consult which is the longest time i've had a one on one consult with a doctor.
He told me there's way to get relief for the pain and steps to know what actually the problem.
Get my blood tested and we'll see from there.
Kalo pegi klinik gomen, xde pon diaorg nak wat blood test.
Bila kita bgtau our blood result 3 years back, dengan selambanya negates the test kata 'Bukan kot...'
Basically i have been depending on their '...kot' for three years.
So aku carik blood tester companies.
Nak ambik yang premium and menyeluruh and check semua my gf said mahal sgt. RM250.Kalo kat pathlab test sama boleh capai RM380 kot.
Nak amek yang 18k pakej by pathlab pulak x menyeluruh and harga still mahal. RM180.
Last2 amek fokus blood study for my joints kat pathlab. Rm100 but still considered mahal jugak lah..huhu.

Inilah result darah aku from testing kat Pathlab USJ.

Tengok2, banyak penyakit2 yang i've been worried about came out negative.
And my blood counts yang related is normal.
Cuma yang abnormal sikit, my uric acid level. Slidely above normal.
G bawak result tu jumpa doktor gomen again, diaorg still nak buat further test.
But basically, Gout is the culprit for my joint pain.
Nak check any problem kat tempat lain jugak.Specifically my lipid and renal test area. Atleast now kat gomen dapat free but result klua sebulan bru tau.
It may not be a good news for normal people but for me, finding a diagnosis for your pain is a huge step.
You know what the course of action to take next and basically take control of your life other than living in the unknown.

Cherry is known for gout patients. Mahal. Satu kotak yang ade around 25 bijik ceri about RM20.

Go Green. Wheatgrass shot. Manis rasa rumput ni.

Now aku dah takut nak makan seafood or high in purine unlike before.
Aku dah mula take organic food such as strawberry, cherries(mahal okeyh!), wheatgrass shot kat Juiceworks(suprisingly sedap bagi aku)
and seek alternatives treatment macam bekam darah and bekam angin.
And yes. Gout patients need to take a lot of water. when i mean a lot, berbotol2 banyaknye..heehe.Memang menolong.
So my advice to anyone yang in pain, there's nothing wrong with worrying about your health.
Take charge of your well being. Don't solely depend on your doctor.
You are the one who's having pain so kalo klinik gomen so damn slow and inefficient in giving treatments, then seek somewhere else.
Jangan bila dah terlewat baru nak tergadah!
Hidup kita ni pendek so kenape nak orang lain bazirkan masa kita.
Duit berabeh kita boleh carik balik tapi kalo masa abes, boleh dapat balik ke?

Alhamdulillah i feel A BIT better now than i was for the last 3 years.
Bukan sebab aku makan painkiller tapi aku control ape yang xleh dimakan and makan ape yang helps.
In fact for the last 3 years i've been having these pains, jarang sekali aku makan painkiller.
Bagi aku bagus sebab latih saraf badan kita tuk terima sakit coz i'll know, someday tua2 nanti pain yang datang lagi sakit and perit.
Just to improve our pain threshold lah. Also kurangkan badan dari terima masuk byk chemical from ubat-ubatan.

Lagi satu tips aku jumpa, kita ni sebenarnye makan banyak bende yang acidic.
Try improve our daily intake focusing on taking alkaline food.
Kita tak tau ape berlaku dalam badan kita. Might be an ecosytem of its own.
Kalo nature ekosistem terganggu sikit boleh rosak semua, i believe the same will be happening kat our own body.
Nanti aku wat post regarding this thing pasal i think it is very interesting and not a lot of people know about this.
Till next time, Bye!


  1. Ur statement tu boleh buat org fikir I care more about money than ur health. Huhu I said mahal sebab I thought u boleh dpt test yg sama with a cheaper price, tp apa sangatlah yg sy tau tentang apa yg awak nak. Anyway, Alhamdulillah result menyebelahi kita. Take good care of urself, love!

    1. ye.a bit nyesal x amek offer test darah yg aritu and dengar cakap awk tuk tanye pathlab.hahah.yg farmasi tu rm250 for complete blood and urine test jugak. Meanwhile 18k tu just check darah yang x cover semua and x test urine.

    2. saye suruh tanya je, bukan suruh ditch the 250 offer. so, jgn la salahkan sy that u missed offer tu. huhu

  2. o_O sungguh tak sangka... Tapi luckily all my company panel clinic sangat concern pasal kebajikan patient diorg. Every time aku pergi, the'll check semua sekali kalau aku bitau ape yang aku rasa abnormal. Aku rasa da few years aku tak p klinik goment... n 1 more thing dont ever try bergantung dengan pain killer... even doctor sendiri cakap pain killer MEMANG tak elok untuk kita. So, please avoid makan pain killer kalau sayang badan anda.

    Minum air masak especially air suam memang banyak manfaat untuk kita. banyak penyakit bole di elak. Aku sendiri lebih prefer minum air masak, cuma bila hangout ja... xdapat elak terpengaruh minum air2 bergula hehehe... so keep it up. Smoga ko sihat la selalu. amin...

    1. tu lah..sejak dua menjak ni rasa kurang sihat lah.
      Although aku ngaku yang aku slalu rasa umor x panjang.
      So better check la apa2 yg suspect leh jadi my cause of death ke ape..huhu
      now worry about kidney plak..result x klua gik.
      Although kinda worry aku nyer urine skrg ni cam berbuih semacam jek.And kaler slalunye kunen. Sakit2 blkg. Itulah tande2 kondisi buah pinggang x brp baik. So hope for the best ajelh.And tunggu result.

    2. yuppp... itu tande2 air x berapa mencukupi... jadi selalu2 lah minum air... somemore skrang cuaca x brapa nak menentu... air masak sgt2 lah membantu untuk elak2 penyakit2 yang di sebabkan oleh badan yg dehydrate nih. xpe kalau dapat elak take sugar too much. just do it. air manis2 tu lupakan sat noh :D
