Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blog Yang Kegersangan.

Waduh,waduh! Lama benar ditinggali blog gue ini..hahah

Bukan ape. JAdi malas coz wifi tadak and 3G lembab. Huhu. So much had happened and so much thing to share, dunno how to compile all of them. I will be back in a couple of days for more updates.

Sekarang ni just rasa nak luah satu bende. Kenape perempuan suka complicate things dengan silence treatment? Does it help in any way?

Yes, it's like the official way for women to channel what they feel to their spouse but why?

Hmm...Maybe mereka buat begini dengan harapan the guy gets it magically. Yes, sometime it works tapi often not so lucky.

This is how my mum and dad broke their marriage. They were mad about some little thing at first. Then came silence treatment. Maybe masing-masing ego so melarut sampailah well, they separated few years later. Leh bayang dak duk rumah sekali and x pernah bercakap dekat setahun lebih. The silence become so toxic, they couldn't even be in the same room even together. Now all good coz memasing dah bahagia dengan pasangan masing2. Alhamdulillah.

So lesson learnt, communicate! It's what makes relationship works! Be it in spoken words, sms, calls, email or Skype. If x puas hati about something, bawak ler berbincang bukan wat silence treatment hoping the guy gets it. It's great if the guy gets it but what if we dont? We guys become lost and the girl stay mad? Does it help in any way? Someone please explain. Huhu.

In my case, it's a dejavu all over again. Truth be told, even thought of what if i was single again. Seriously, i am too old too figure all these out again. And surprisingly, i was ready to accept. Pisang berbuah first time so bitter, i do not need it the second time around. So acceptance was the final answer. Nothing's wrong with that.

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