Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Keje Baru! Task Baru!


Another update, some of you may know i already pindah keje from Scope International to a small company in Taipan USJ.

Work so far has been good. However, projek baru ade dua masuk.

Project #1 : Web application yang guna SOA. Mak aih..agak mencabar gak lah aku nak belaja sambil buat sume bende.

Project #2: Baru dibincang ngan my boss this morning. I am still sketchy about the project. Basically related to sensors and tracking in factory or some shit. Huh!

Basically dedua project baru ni guna technology baru ( at least to me) yang aku kena belaja and at the same time kena buat jugak..

Work challenges never been this hard for me. I hope Allah give me strength, willpower and intelligence to overcome this.

Inilah cabaran keje kat kompeni yang rely on project basis. Sometimes diaorg carik projects tapi tak pikir scope and boundaries of their resources. hmm. But InshaAllah, i will do my best and strive my best for the company. It's a great exposure.


  1. uiks... kerja baru lg meyh??? btw... good luck... ko bole survive nye la... insyaAllah :)

  2. Keje lama lah yang aku bru pindah 2,3 bulan lepas..tp projek yg bru,,gugu

  3. owh... ingtkn keje baru lg... papepon good luck la bro... :)
