Friday, September 17, 2010

Post Mortem Raya

Another new after raya, another post mortem?

Heheh. By the time i'm writing this, it's Thursday Meaning Malaysia Day so cutilah. Esok lak i'm gonna be in the office after a week cuti RAya.
Huaaa. Sedihnya nak keje balik. Lagi-lagi sekarang i get what i always wished for before. Work. Now keje terlampau banyak coz our team left and right are leaving or had left. Huhuh.
Therefore, i'm doing 2 person jobs i think. God give me strength!! Tapi sekranag still positive. I dont mind spare my extra time tuk keje during weekend or etc. Just as ong as i get to impress my team lead and contribute to the team :)

Speaking of contribution, actually raya aritu x banyak duit raya dapat diberi kat sedara2. Bukan apa, missed the chance to give them duit2 raya tu.
With that being my first Raya and all, a bit slow nak ingat bg duit raya so kdg2 dah balik rumah baru teringat.HUuhu. But i did become highly generous on the other area during raya aritu. Aku tanpa kerelaan telah sebarkan demam yang terlampau teruk to my siblings. I think almost 7 of my siblings got infected from me. Huhuh. Memang teruk demam ni. Aku dapat few days before raya. Suspek maybe from the rain masa aku beli sampin several days before Raya.
Balik rumah x mandi.Besoknya terus terbatuk2 and by Wednesday, badan dah panas and experiencing severe fatigue. G klinik bdn suhu over 37.5. Memang pk gak nak bukak puasa makan panadol and ubat batuk but pk balik rugila. So that fever lasted
for 3 days until raya ke-3. Memang x seronok beraya sambil demam. Makan xde selera. Pakai baju melayu + sweater.Baju melayu moden tuh.Hahah.By the time dah sihat, adik2 dah mula tunjuk symptom2 nak kena the exact flu. Masing2 tuding jari kat aku. Yes, i was the one who broght the virus into the house but there was nothing i could do. Oh well. Nasib badan ler sape yang kena tu. Haha!

Current mood: Slept at 11,Woke up at 4, now mata rasa ngantuk balik but feeling such a waste to go back to sleep o_0

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