Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Edisi Kerja :Alamak! Role Baru Aku kat Office

Hallu and salam frens!

Sape kenal aku mesti tau aku ni pemalu orangnya..
Tapi who knew i get the chance to be a project manager. heard me right!
And this project will be the evaluation of my KPI so no excuse to slack off.
Walaupon i act as a PM for a small scale project, the pressure still the same.
3 bulan ihave to complete the project.
Dahla kena jadi PM, kena wat coding jugak okeyh!
So far i've been a a PM for almost a week.
I do see areas that needed improvement.

First: My weakness to speak with higher management.
Biggest problem! Aku easily intimidated with people with higher rank/power or superior in any way.
Certainly pasal my lack of confidence.
I am trying my best to solve this problem tapi dunno how.
Kadang-kadang aku dengar orang cakap about themselves like this...

'Memang aku ni macam ni. Nak wat camne. Xleh ubah so orang lain xleh judge la.Lagi pantang kalo suruh berubah. No way! I'd rather be like this forever.'

- Si Polan

Bila aku dengar orang cakap macam ni, aku sentap.
Pasal the issue is very close to my heart as i've been trying to solve the same problem all my life.
Yes, there's been improvement i had accomplish.
Ask any of my past friends, they would say i've improved a lot.
So i know deep down in my heart, i can do it.
Buang orang yang had been holding me back so much tu.
My inner self yg suka soalkan diri.
Insyaallah, niat baik Allah always akan tolong.

Second:Technical and programming skill

For obvious reason lah kan..
Kompom kena naik taraf skill aku..
Bayangkan in barely 10 months aku jadi programmer and wat coding bagai, tetibe kena jadi PM lak.
Kadang2 segan lah kan my team tanya pasal itu ini tapi aku x reti jawab.

Third: My English

Although not so bad but still kena improve

Fourth: Time management

The crucial thing to improve.
Target aku nak finish the project way earlier than scheduled so AJA AJA FIGHTING!

Fifth: Lack of Focus

Yes.I am easily distracted. Kalo ade FB ke, forum ke, aku cepat je lekat..hoho!

Sixth: Creativity and Imaginative

Yerp. Ini antara paling payah skill tuk aku dapatkan. Bayangkan betapa sakit hati kalo
your brain don't even thought of a solution to a simple problem. Being a problem manager,
ideas and solution is basically all coming from your vision so nak xnak, this skill is a must!

Agak2 ape lagi yang aku kena improve ek?


  1. hohoho... since aku kenal ko, ape yg aku bole ckp... ko da byk berubah sbnrnye bro... and sumenye yg baik2... agak berbangga la jgk jd kwn ko... ni bukan bodek ye... ini ikhlas dr hati aku yg suci lg murni :)

    ko bukan x pernah jd PM kan??? kali ni msti ko bole buat bro... jgn down grade diri sndiri mcm dulu yer... x elok tuh... kwn2 ko ade sekeliling ko utk bg support kat ko.

    bab programming and technical, di kalangan kwn2 kita pon ada ramai otai2. cer rujuk ngan diorg... hehehe...

    bab english ko... hehehe... ini aku mmg x mampu nak celen ko... english ko sgt ok bg aku la V(^_^)V

    utk issue yg last skali tu kalau ko rs mcm ko kurang idea, ape kata ko cuba buat survey or lbh kpd sharing and tnye pndpt di klgn kwn2 or clique kat opis. just bg situation and ask for opinion. stiap org akan tgk prob dr sudut yg berbeza, so myb ko akan dpt various answer yg ko kdg2 ko x sgka.

    hehehe... aku da mcm buat entry baru plak kat comment ko nih... sory la weyh sesemak kat sini sikit :P

    BTW good luck bro...

  2. hahah...aku suka!
    Xde semaknye..
    ko wat comment lagi panjang dari entry aku pon aku x kisah
    lg pon jd silent reader jek xbest lah kan
    aku slalu g blog ko tp nape ntah aku x leh buh comment..huhu

    back to topic, your input very helpful
    especially regarding selesaikan masalah tu.
    ye lah..kita makin tua,otak pon makin lembab sikit.
    Tapi ambil pandangan orang2 muda, memang sangat menolong.
    Contohnya aku x minat bidang graphic and web design ni tp my job require me to have this skill.
    So pandangan org2 muda mmg sangat membantu
    Kalo harapkan otak aku jek, aku just nak as simple as possible.
    Menarik or tak belakang kira..huhu

  3. pelik jgk kalau ko x leh komen kat aku nye post sbbnye itu open blog and should b even anonymous pon bole komen.. hehehe... or maybe ko terlupa utk klik 'comment' utk tulis comment sbb aku x show comment box kat situ kot.... jap lg aku modify blk :D

    bebalik kepada tajuk di atas... hehe... standard la weyh... bkn sbb tua... even ms muda2 dulu masa study lg la mmg mcm tu... aku pernah pergi ceramah motivasi... penceramah tu mintak lukiskan sebiji cawan. aku rasa hampir smua lukis cwn dlm bentuk yg sama termasuk aku, cuma ade sorg dua yg come out with different angle of cawan. tapi still cawan... ko tau kenapa aku share cerita ni? sbbnya aku nak bg tau ko... mind set kita selalu bg image cawan mesti dlm bentuk tu and mesti tegak and tak terlangkup atau terbalik kan? cuma certain people yg ade tahap imiginasi yg tinggi ja mmpu pikir cawan tu dr sudut yg lain. sebab tu la gunanya bertukar2 fikiran n pendapat so at least ko akan nmpak variasi kat situ and cerita tu jgk mengajar kita to think out of the box...
    (phew dah mcm penceramah motivasi bebas dah aku... hehehe)

    So selamat mencuba bro... insyaAllah berhasil.

  4. hahah..
    Pandangan yang amat menarik!
    Mengingatkan aku pada satu technique brainstorm aku belaja last week
    Teknik 6-3-5 brainwriting..
    6 orang, 3 idea, 5 minit.
    And sume dilakukan in writing tanpa argue2 or gelak2 idea orang.
    Biasalah.Kdg2 kita segan nak luahkan idea kita pasal takut orang gelak..Huhu
    Memang bagus teknik ni..Kalo aku ade kesempatan aku share mcmana nak brainstorm guna teknik ni in my blog soon.

  5. baiklah... akan ku tunggu post ko yg tuh... :D
