Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Misi Baru di Bulan Baik Ni

Another new day, another post.

Arini I’ve made two wise decision. I don’t know how wise the decisions are but I know it’s somewhat beneficial to me.

One, let me story dulu how my career goes sekarang ni. I have been assigned to a team from a start.This team actually responsible for steering the migration of this certain file transfer manager called MIM. Basically it is a crucial body within our department. I was given with a few information gathering task at the beginning. During that time, I was also busy with my training. So most of the time I was still on the honeymoon phase or just plain busy with training. Hence, I wasn’t a 100% guy to the team. Now I think my team lead somehow seeing me as incompetent, god forbid. Sekarang for the most time just dibagi keje2 tengok. Adeh. My day round the clock basically just well-look at the clock waiting for time to go back home or for any task assigned to me. Currently,NADA..I admit this round the clock of nothing depresses me.Therefore,I decide to steer my own career from now on. Instead of waiting for task, maybe I should just ask for work or at least ask if I can help with anything.

Two, I notice sekarang ni banyak masa terbuang with nothing. And otak jadi makin lembab. Orang kata kalo nak keep the brain active, opt for reading. Therefore, I want to make reading as my new hobby. It’s not like I have any other hobby.DUH. I have found this great place where books sold at very cheap prices. I am not kidding. Very cheap. I will do a special post for this great place soon. For now, introducing my first book I have purchased for my new hobby. The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry. It was between this or Robert Harris’s Fatherland. But I figured better start with a light reading first. Nanti, my brain cannot accept and say,’Whoa,too fast!’ and give up. Don’t want that circumstance. So my goal now is to finish this book and i will be eager to share with you guys the review that i find from reading it in the future post. No worry. And there won't be any giveaways either..heheh. Also, introducing the new footer labels, books and hobby. Yay!!

Current mood : Pumped Up!!!!!!

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