Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Fault Basically....

Another episode, another new posting!

I iS s0 sTuPid. S0 mAny sTuPid. DuMb aRe mIne’s middle nAMe. WhY lor?

Well, some say in order to find a solution to a problem; you need to admit the problem first. I have trouble admitting this problem my entire life. I guess this is why I never been able to solve it. And damn it, how I crave it to be otherwise coz this problem had caused most of the major mistakes of my life. It is my current biggest flaw. If there is a rehab for this problem, I would pay money for it to get it cured.

Here are among the mistakes I’ve made because of my problem:

I let down some of the most important people of my life.

I flunked few of my subjects in university.

And few more but if I write it down that would just give away the answer.

Any guess people?

What’s the problem? I guess people who have known me know where to finger point the problem.

Current mood: Lifted up by my workmates. Might be the best day I have during office hour so far.

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