Another new day, another new post!!
Did I ever confess 1 thing I most embarrassed about myself? Aku gila tengok Grey’s Anatomy. Hahah. I mean I obsess with this show. Trust me, not one episode aku x penah tengok. Yelah, Grey’s Anatomy ni cite lembik. Nampak je macam medic show tapi banyak jiwang gak ala2 soap opera. So guys not likely would like this show. The thing is I started watching this show when it was GOOD. It was back then when guys didn’t mind watching it and the hype over this show was at all time high.
Actually this ‘craze’ started since praktikal kat TM Alor Setar dulu. During that time, banyak buang masa tengok Youtube. And actually, that time ler first time I ever heard of Youtube. So I browsed kat most watched videos. Tengok banyak top2 videos pasal Grey’s Anatomy. Out of curiosity, clicked one and video lagu Snow Patrol Chasing Cars. Apparently lagu ni jadi a finale song during that season. And what a season finale it was. The buzz generated from that episode even brought Oprah to do a special episode for Grey’s anatomy. Since then, I’ve been hooked.
Everything about Grey’s Anatomy best. The actors are amazing. The music choices for each of the episode are phenomenal. I feel engaged to each of the characters in this series especially Dr. Bailey. Cuma the series has been slow for its writing lately. But that is okay for me because I’m not watching because nak tengok the relationship between the caharacters. Xde pon aku root for any couple that I like,etc.. But for me it is still good unlike other shows out there. If you look at my IPod, I have a collection up to almost 500 songs from the show alone. Yes, I love their music choices so much. Hate to admit yang this is the only television show i follow ever since Friends said goodbye to us.
Current mood : At the office but my heart at home already. It’s Friday la!!
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